Joyce Kelly

Current Role: Customer Loyalty Manager

Location: Head Office, Dun Laoghaire

Joined Tesco: June 1985


Read Joyce's story

My role is to help grow customer loyalty by driving and delivering the Clubcard strategy in Ireland, helping customers get more from their Clubcard membership.

There are lots of ways that I do this from planning customers’ Clubcard statements to working with Clubcard Boost partners so customers have more places to use their vouchers. One day I could be working on a colleague offer and the next I will be working on our digital strategy. I have a lot of autonomy and I love that I’m trusted, supported, and encouraged in my role.

I’ve moved around a lot in Tesco from working in the training department, Commercial, and then Marketing. Tesco supported and funded my marketing degree which I did part-time in the Marketing Institute of Ireland. I’ve worked in various roles within Clubcard.

I’m constantly learning from the stores, commercial and finance and I enjoy the fact that I’m working with lots of people in similar roles within Tesco’s network all around the world.

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"There’s a great wealth of knowledge and willingness to help from colleagues in-store, in head office, and out in the wider business."

It’s a very open company where people continuously share learnings. A recent example is when I took learnings from the UK and was able to send customers a reprint of Clubcard vouchers that were going out of date. Customers really appreciated it and it was a good example of where the business took a chance on something we had never done before in Ireland.

"New technology has made a huge difference to me as I can work from home if I need to or while in the UK I can link back into my department in Dublin."

What differentiates Tesco for me is the sense of helpfulness within the organisation. It’s not just confined to the store. There’s a great wealth of knowledge and willingness to help from colleagues in-store, in head office, and out in the wider business.

It’s a welcoming organisation – from the conversational language we use in our communications to the simplicity of our business templates.

New technology has made a huge difference to me as I can work from home if I need to or while in the UK I can link back into my department in Dublin.

I’m much more mobile so it means my hours aren’t as rigid. The breakout areas around the office have also made a huge difference as you don’t have to book meeting rooms, you can just grab a table and have a quick meeting.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I love travel and shopping. Surprising to most people, I actually enjoy grocery shopping so maybe that’s what attracted me to retail!

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